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Children's Books & Games Author
Michelle Nephew has her Ph.D. in English Literature and is a co-owner of publishing company Atlas Games. She spends her weekends with her husband and three kids at their cabin in Minnesota’s magical Northwoods.
Have you noticed the art in the Wyrd Woods books looks like something Sophie, Emma, or Jack drew themselves? You can try it, too! Draw your favorite part of any Wyrd Woods book, then post it to Twitter or Facebook and copy me by email. I’ll add it here for everyone to see. It’s that easy!
"I just got [Ren Faire] and played it with my kids. We loved it. I can't wait to try it out with some of my adult friends. It's got silly tricks you have to do to earn coins to buy your costume cards with, that I think would be fun with a group who enjoys light hearted games. The see through stackable cards are a lot of fun."
– jen, 5-star review on
"I hang out with game designers, and get to play-test lots of new games. Some are fantastic, some are meh. [... Ren Faire] really took me by surprise because it's such a fresh idea. (And it was one of the game designers who recommended it to me strongly.) "[...] so far, we're really enjoying it. The actions are fun, and the layering thing is really cool."
– Asmyr, 5-star review on
"[Ren Faire] is hilariously fun for a group. [...] where this game really excels is watching your friends play the part. "[...] the game is clever and a light romp through the fantastical middle age without the plywood dragons"
– Dan Oldenkamp, review on